In February, Russia invaded Ukraine. Cities have fallen, bombs have been dropped on hospitals and homes, and economic sanctions have sent inflation soaring. Those following closely say peace talks might help, but regardless: the after-effects of this war might linger for years.
Guests in order of appearance:
- Marta Masnyi — a Ukrainian-Canadian woman who helped organize protests in the wake of the invasion.
- Christopher Curtis — a Canadian reporter who spent a week in Lviv, Ukraine, in March.
- Professor Anatoliy Gruzd — a Ryerson professor specializing in information technology.
- Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji — a distinguished international jurist at Ryerson Law School and special advisor to President Lachemi
- Professor Arne Kislenko — a Ryerson history professor who’s work focuses on war, espionage and the history of Europe.
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