The restrictions follow Ontario’s stay-at-home order

Ryerson University updated its campus access regulations for staff and students last week, following the provincial stay-at-home order. This comes after the provincial government declared a state of emergency and Toronto Public Health released new orders regarding workplace safety.
The stay-at-home order requires everyone to remain in their homes with few exceptions, such as going to a pharmacy or grocery store or to do work that can’t be done remotely.
Ryerson community members must work from home at all times when possible to help curb the spread of COVID-19. All faculty and university staff must receive specific approval from their department heads to access campus, including those who previously had access to university buildings during the pandemic.
“Given the implementation of the stay-at-home order as of Jan. 14, 2021, Ryerson has advised all employees who had previously received specific approval from senior leaders to access campus during the period of remote work, to reconfirm that these duties cannot be performed remotely,” a Ryerson spokesperson said via email.
Faculty, instructors and university staff are all expected to work from home unless their duties can only be carried out on campus. Students in a few select programs are continuing in-person instruction but they are to check with their instructors before coming to campus.
In a newsletter sent to students and community members, Ryerson president Mohamed Lachemi said the university’s Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) activities remain unchanged as he called their research “essential activity.”
Those coming to campus must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres, wear a mask at all times and fill out a health screening form prior to entry.