The intersection of Gould Street and Nelson Mandela Walk is crowded with students midday on Sept. 8. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)
Last fall, most TMU classes remained online, and campus was home to only a select group of students learning in person. With students back in classrooms and distancing mandates no longer in effect, TMU was abuzz with activity this week.
Just after noon on Sept. 8, Chipotle on Yonge Street north of Dundas Street is very busy. Unlike last year when campus was emptier, the line to order reaches all the way to the entrance door. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)Students wait in line outside of the Student Campus Centre on Gould Street on Sept. 8. The TMU Students’ Union offers breakfast and swag bags every morning for the first week back. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)On Sept 7. in the morning, many students sit on the steps of the Student Learning Centre by the intersection of Yonge and Gould streets. Some sit with friends or classmates, and others are alone. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)Students arriving to campus on Sept. 8 are greeted by banners lining Gould Street. The signs say “Welcome to Orientation! You belong here,” in TMU’s signature blue, white, and gold. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)Students walk along Gould Street across a row of TMU clubs advertising their groups. The organizations present on Sept. 7 included the Hong Kong Student Association and the Toronto Metropolitan A Cappella Collective. (TMU J-SCHOOL/Maya Abramson)