Outbreak marks the first COVID-19 official update the university released since start of pandemic

Toronto Public Health (TPH) is investigating a suspected outbreak in Pitman Hall on Ryerson campus that has led to three positive cases, marking the first time the university has alerted the Ryerson community about an outbreak found on campus.
The cases are connected to contract cleaning staff. An employee, who was last working on campus in Pitman Hall on March 22, has tested positive for the virus. Two additional employees have since been identified as close contacts.
A fourth positive case is connected to another contract worker who was working in the Pitman Hall, Daphne Cockwell Complex and the International Living and Learning Centre. All the listed locations are being monitored by the request of TPH until the end of day April 8.
Ryerson’s Environmental Health and Safety team have since conducted an investigation and an assessment of the possible exposure risk to other community members and staff. The university says safety protocols in place between external contractors and Ryerson students and staff were followed at all times.
According to the university’s press release, Ryerson has taken all necessary precautions to clean and disinfect the areas last known to have been potentially in contact by the individual positive cases. At this time, TPH has not advised the university of any additional risk to members of the Ryerson community associated with these cases.
Students and employees living and working in the impacted spaces have been notified. Students seeking support are encouraged to contact Housing and Residence Life at 1-888-960-1191, a hotline monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.