Home Hockey Rams Women’s Hockey Team Loses First Game of the Season

Rams Women’s Hockey Team Loses First Game of the Season

Team outscored 4-1 by University of Toronto

by Simone Gavros
The Rams women’s team attack the University of Toronto Varsity Blues zone in the second period at the Mattamy Athletic Centre on Nov. 19 (Simone Gavros/On The Record)

The Rams women’s hockey team lost 4-1 against the University of Toronto Varsity Blues at the Mattamy Athletic Centre (MAC) on Nov. 19. 

The loss comes after a nearly two-week break since their winning weekend against the York Lions, when the Rams scored eight goals in two games. 

“I think we beat ourselves in some situations and put ourselves in some difficult spots,” said head coach Lisa Haley after Friday’s game. “They had a few goals off of odd man rushes and I think against a good quality team, you really have to avoid that.”

The Rams started off strong in the first period, but ran into a stingy U of T defence. 

The Varsity Blues scored their first goal six minutes into the game. Shortly after, with two U of T players in the penalty box, the Rams tried to tie up the score but could not find a weak spot in the Varsity Blues’ defence.

Then, with seven minutes left in the first period, U of T scored again to make it 2-0.

Second-year forward Mia Morano scored the Rams’ first and only goal of the night in the second period. 

“It kind of gave us more confidence with the puck and we started to get going,” said Morano. “It was good to establish some momentum.”

Moments after the goal, a shower of teddy bears fell onto the ice from the stands with people throwing them in hopes of winning a pair of Toronto Maple Leafs tickets. 

The teddy bears were sold on the third floor of the MAC with all proceeds going towards the Salvation Army and CTV’s Toy Mountain campaign. 

Team outscored 4-1 by University of Toronto
All the proceeds made from the teddy bear toss goes to the Salvation Army and Toy Mountain campaign. (Simone Gavros/On The Record)

The Varsity Blues tried to add to their score after the Rams’ first goal but fifth-year goalie Rachel Seeley saved the shot. 

Seeley became the program leader in saves with the 23 she made Friday.

“She’s a living legend amongst our women’s hockey program with what she’s done,” said Haley. “Very, very proud of the development and how hard she’s worked to reach her full potential and she’s a real backbone for us.”

With just seconds left in the second period, the Blues scored again, bringing the score to 3-1.

The Rams fought hard to catch up to the Blues in the third period. Despite their efforts, the Blues scored their fourth goal of the night with nine minutes to go in the game. 

Although the team could not secure a victory, Haley said she saw some positives in the team’s performance. 

“I guess the positives are our penalty kill, and the determination of our group is still there. And we’ll bounce back from this. There’s no doubt we’ll be ready for Wednesday.”

The Rams hope to shake off their loss when they head to North Bay to play the Nipissing Lakers on Nov. 24 at 7 p.m.

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