Home F2023 OTR News: Nov. 3 Broadcast


Hosts: Sheila Reid, Chloe Herbert-Ballantyne
Reporters: Angi Kallas, Parker Theis, Marija Robinson, Tori Goodwin
Weather reporter: Angi Kallas

Read a transcript here

Reporter, On The Record, fall 2023.

Reporter, On The Record, Fall 2023.

Reporter, On The Record, fall 2023.

OTR reporter 2023.

Reporter, On The Record, fall 2023.

Reporter, On The Record, fall 2023.

Reporter, Associate Producer for the OTR weekly broadcast, fall 2023. Horror movie connoisseur, coffee mainliner.

This article may have been created with the use of AI software such as Google Docs, Grammarly, and/or Otter.ai for transcription.

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