The Ryersonian has compiled a list of helpful tips to get you through exam season

With the end of the semester fast approaching, Ryerson students will be prepping for exams soon enough. Exam season is a stressful time of year for students as it is, but under the circumstances of the pandemic it can become even more stressful.
In person exams are a thing of the past, at least for right now. After learning to adapt to virtual classes, the challenge for students is now learning how to study and prepare for virtual exams. Here are some tips on some of the best practices to take while studying and preparing for online testing during a virtual exam season.

Plan Ahead
November is typically a busy month to begin with, between juggling final assignments, other coursework and exam prep. Time management plays a big role in being successful. Create a schedule to allocate your time and avoid cramming.
Find a study spot
Now that we’re all stuck at home, it might be a challenge to find a place to study. Try to find a quiet environment that will help you focus. Eliminate possible distractions like cell phones and televisions.
Take a break
Make time for breaks in between studying. Taking small five to 10 minute breaks while studying will help you retain information. Grab a quick snack, make a coffee, go for a walk or scroll through TikTok every once in a while to keep yourself motivated.
Get some sleep
Staying up late to study may sound like a good idea, but you’re not doing yourself any favours. Getting a good night’s sleep before an exam is important to allow your brain to absorb information. Try getting to bed earlier and studying in the morning instead.