University discloses positive tests to RFA, but makes no general announcement

Two new COVID-19 cases have been reported at Ryerson this week, according to emails sent to its members by the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) on Thursday and Friday.
Ryerson has not made an announcement about the two cases. It has not released details about where the COVID-positive community members have been on campus. A total of six cases have been reported to date.
In the emails, the RFA, which represents full-time faculty members, said it was notified by Ryerson’s Environmental Health and Safety team that two people who have tested positive for the virus have been on campus. One person who tested positive for COVID-19 was on campus on Oct. 19. The other was on campus on Oct. 21.
“They confirm that an investigation of the case and a risk analysis has been performed, and the individual is not deemed to have been a risk to other community members. All appropriate cleaning and disinfection has been performed,” read each of the emails.
The cases come after the RFA executive passed a motion on Oct. 6 demanding that the school inform faculty and staff of any COVID-positive community member who has been on campus within 14 days of the test. The motion also says that faculty and staff need to be informed of the building and floor where the community member is employed and that faculty and staff be informed of any positive tests within the prior 14-day period.
The RFA executive team delivered the motion to the office of the vice-provost of faculty affairs and the co-chairs of Ryerson’s joint health and safety committee. “To date, as is apparent, the RFA request has not been met,” read the first email.
When asked about the COVID-19 cases at Ryerson, the school did not provide a statement. Jessica Leach, a spokesperson for the university, did not provide a statement but cited a “wealth of information” on the school’s website on reporting COVID-19 cases.
The website does not list any positive COVID-19 cases that have been reported by the Environment Health and Safety team.