Lead physician says approximately 200 flu vaccines remain with three flu shot clinics planned for coming weeks

There are still flu shots available at the Ryerson Medical Centre despite vaccine shortages throughout the province, says the centre’s lead physician.
The centre has approximately 200 flu vaccines remaining, says Dr. Brooke Hogarth. Three flu shot clinics are planned for the coming weeks. The next clinic is Thursday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m. to noon.
“Even with few people on campus, there is a high demand for vaccines this year because of COVID-19,” says Hogarth.
“At this time, we have excess flu vaccines and have space available in our flu shot clinic on Nov. 26 to accommodate more people.”
Hogarth said they will order more vaccines and organize more clinics if needed.
The Ryerson Medical Centre has received approximately 500 flu vaccines to date. In anticipation of increased demand, the centre ordered 100 more vaccines than it did last year. However, it was unable to obtain the high dose vaccine, recommended for those 65 years and older, due to a back order.
Initial flu shot clinics were reserved for high-risk students, staff and faculty. Future clinics will be available to all members of the Ryerson community. But the medical centre will continue to prioritize high-risk community members — those older than 65, pregnant people, those with certain medical conditions, essential workers — as well as students currently on campus, students living in residence, and international students.
“We are encouraging those who are not living near campus or working on campus at this time to seek the flu shot at their local pharmacy,” says Hogarth.
Drop-in appointments are not available and appointments must be booked in advance online on the Ryerson Medical Centre’s website. The sign-up is available at https://www.ryerson.ca/student-wellbeing/medicalcentre/
All clinic staff and visitors are required to abide by Ryerson’s policies and procedures for mask use. A provincial health card or UHIP card and Ryerson OneCard will be required for appointments. The Ryerson Medical Centre requests that vaccine recipients wear clothes that allow for easy access to the upper arm.